October Goals

Hello October! Welcoming the cooler weather with all things pumpkin, sweaters, and boots.


1. Tailgate (CHECK) This was a highlight of our September weekends. We biked to the game, it was sunny and hot, and we got to catch up with so many college friends. A dreamy late summer Saturday for sure.

2. Consider a capsule wardrobe for fall, inspired by this post here (CHECK) I'm really doing it! See my previous post for all the details. 

3. Welcome our nephew! (CHECK). The newest member of our family, Jake Daniel, is here and doing well. He is tiny and sweet and perfect. 


1. Execute my Fall Capsule Wardrobe! I'm curious to see how it will all play out. If all goes well, I'll hopefully discover some new ways to combine the pieces I already have, and really see what works for me and my own style. And maybe not even miss shopping?? Seems farfetched but let's hope.

2. Practice saying no/ Carve out time in my schedule just for me. This has begun! I've said no to two things so far in the last week for opportunities this fall, which feels foreign to me. I'm learning (slowly) how to be protective of my schedule, and when to say yes and when to say no. For me, it's easier to just say yes, and take on one thing after another until I realize that I'm tired and worn out, which is not beneficial for anyone. This trap can be so easy to fall into, especially when growing a business. But I really want to try to make it a goal for this month, and hopefully a habit that continues long past October. 

3. Go to a pumpkin patch. A must for October. 

4. Think of & create halloween costumes for Daniel and I. I love holidays, and the start of fall means a few really great holidays are on the horizon. Excited for all that is to come with that.